United by Naomi Shihab Nye week 5

    Naomi has made a great number of poems, but I chose this one because the name sounded strong. What does it mean to be united? That is a question that I have been trying to answer for a while now. Does it mean to be loyal and true to yourself? The definition of unity is the state of being unified or joined as a whole. United is about how the different state mottos combine into one. They combine the mottos into one message about unity. She has good sentence fluency throughout her piece. It ties into America being a unified country.


  1. Good job! I like how you gave an example of the states motto's being "united." Or, how America is a united country.

  2. This is a really powerful poem. I really liked how you defined being united, and I really agree.

  3. I love how you asked yourself a question in your entry. I also really like how you use the word "united." Good job!


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