PH response

The two topics that I'm keeping up with the book are Parents and tradition.
Kambili's parents are very different from each other. Her dad is more outspoken and her mom stays in the background. The dad is well liked in the community and the community thought he should leave her because she couldn't give him the right amount of kids. Her dad has a bad but well-hidden temper and her mom is very tight-lipped. Papa is so stubborn and stuck in his ways that he exiles his own father because he doesn't believe the same way Papa does.
tradition is very important to their family. Everything has to be done a certain way and Papa makes them pray for their sins. The kids always do what their parents tell them to because its the "right" way to do things. It seems like its traditional to have a bundle of kids and when Mama couldn't deliver that,  the unmma wanted Papa to leave her.


  1. I also chose parents and tradition as my reading focuses. Papa not leaving Mama for another women who could have kids is a show of his loyalty but its odd that he is loyal to the family that does wrong in his eyes. I think its interesting.

  2. I agree with you focus on papa and on tradition. Papa is perfect to everyone outside his family, but abuses his family members mentally and physically. Good Job!


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