reading response to lotf

     The Lord of the Flies is a fascinating book. It captivated me on the first paragraph of the first page. One thing that puzzled me was the number of boys on the island and if all of them survived the crash. One thing my reading was led me to notice was how weird and proper the English talk. All their strange words like "bonkers!" or "Wacco!" But their sense of nationalism is very familiar in the way of Americans having that same feeling(but stronger:)). I think that sense of patriotism is what held them together at the beginning. But by now they have unraveled entirely, and it will probably go downhill from here.


  1. I really enjoyed your post! The English slang's in this book are strange yet interesting. I too thought the book was great until, now when everything is going "downhill."

  2. You made a great connection with the patriotism holding them together at first. I never noticed that. Very well written blog!


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