reading response to I'll give you the sun week 4

  I haven't finished I'll Give You the Sun but it is very complicated. It's about these twins named Jude and Noah. Noah is a boy, and Jude is a girl. Noah is very good at sketching/drawing, but is kind of a loner and Jude is more in the "cool kids" crowd. But they are the same in a way because they both are so creative and have very imaginative minds. There was this great art school that their mom wanted them to go to but their dad was stubborn and didn't want them to be outcasts because of the school they went to was mainly focused on the arts. But when they mom died a few weeks later, their dad felt guilty and let them apply for the school.
     I haven't really gotten into the main plot yet. But I think it's about how Jude and Noah navigate high school and they deal with their mom's death. It will probably also will be about how they deals with their grandmother's death and all she told them.


  1. This book sounds great. I've been wanting to read it and I tried to start it this summer but forgot about it. Your post, which has good sentence fluency, has reminded me about how fun this book is!


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