Strengths and Challenges

I feel one of my strengths as a writer is developing a real/imagined using effective techniques. I did this in the personal narrative. The details were, to me, the best part. It drove the story and added the imagery needed to imagine what it was like. Another strength is writing arguments that support claims.  I did this in the research paper and literary analysis. This was how I presented my reasons for how Genghis Khan made the Mongolian Empire.
I need to work on my sentence structure and word choice. They are important because its how the sentences look and makes sure they sound right.


  1. I need to work on the same things as you ! Sentence structure is, in my opinion, the most important part of a piece of writing.

  2. I too feel like my strengths are developing vivid imagery or details to add to my writing! Sentence structure is also hard, but using apps like Grammarly can help you with that! Good job!


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