#244 What old television shows would you bring back? *SPOILER ALERT*

     Tv shows, in general, are always suspect to be canceled so there are sure signs that a show is about to get canceled. The first is when they add a seemingly random character to the main cast. For example, when Nellie, Robert California, and Clark were added to the cast of "The Office." A second one is when a main character leaves the show. For example, when Steve Carrell left the show "The Office" in the seventh season. The third one is when the off/on again couple ends up together. It basically fills a major plot point. For example, Angela and Dwight from "The Office" or even Ross and Rachel from "Friends." The fourth one is when a character has a child just for an episode or two, and the child never is feature enough. For example, the child Angela had with Dwight, Philip, in "The Office."
     As you can probably tell from the first paragraph, the show I want to come back is "The Office." There has been talk of a reboot, and I really want it to happen. I also have ideas for the reboot! Since its obviously been a few years, the show could start from Micheal's point of view. The cast would slowly come together from where they are and all work in that same office. Another idea is to introduce voiceovers and do it from a different perspective. The reboot would not work though if Steve Carredoesn'tnt come back, he was the BACKBONE of the show. It only lasted for about two seasons after he left. But he also made a surprise cameo in the last epsiode for Dwight's wedding with Angela.


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