Song- Umbrella

"You had my heart, and we'll never be worlds apart
Maybe in magazines, but you'll still be my star
Baby 'cause in the dark, you can't see shiny cars
And that's when you need me there
With you, I'll always share
Because when the sun shines, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever"

     The song is Umbrella by Rihanna. link to song. One technique I found is assonance. It was all throughout the portion of the song. it was the "a" vowel. It impacted how I interpreted the song because it made me think about the vowels and the sounds of each line. A figurative language pattern I found is apostrophe. I found it in the third and sixth line of the song. it impacted how I interpreted the song because it proviedes imagery about the sun and the bond they share.
     The purpose of the song is to show the love she has for her partner and how loyal she is to him. I feel the tone is very lighthearted but still focused on the message. In the song, she uses assonance and apostrophe to give imagery about the sun and the strength of her love for him. It also shows what she would do for him and what she would endure.


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