Research Update

      My topic is the Empire and Society of Genghis Khan. I picked the subject because it always fascinated me that he could make an empire so fast. His empire was based in China. I first learned of them from John Green talking about them in his crash courses. He calls them the expectation of most standards and rules. It is a little easier to find sources since Genghis' empire had nothing to do with the U.S. My research has been going ok, but it could go better.
      My biggest struggle is finding primary sources because for some reason they are quite hard to come by for my topic. One thing I've learned through this is that maps are not that good of a source. I know its little far down the road, but I'm also having difficulty seeing I'm going for the presentation portion of the project. That's the part I'll have trouble with later on...


  1. Your topic seems really interesting to me! It was amazing how large his empire was, and how fast he had built it.


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