research post q3 w3

        My topic is about Mongolian Society under the reign of Genghis Khan in the 13th century.  My research question is: How did Genghis Khan make such a vast empire in such a short period of time and what was that empire like? My topic is interesting because Genghis Khan built one of the only nomadic empires to last. One reason I wanted to research this topic was that I felt like no one really knew anything about the Mongols. People know that they were nomadic and that it.
     My subcategories are the Mongol army, what religion they practice, the food they ate, the Mongolian government, and their conquests in the 13th century. The empire matters because they helped start the Slik Road. They opened the entire empire for trade.


  1. Your research project sounds interesting. You are right, at least I do not know much about the Mongols.

  2. I love the question about Genghis Khan. I like how you included what food they ate.

  3. Well I believe that one of the most obvious reasons that Genghis Khan was able to conquer that much land was just the overall culture of the Mongols. They were constantly on horseback, and horseback was one of the most superior ways to fight for its time.

  4. Your research project is very interesting. I am glad you have picked such an important topic in history.


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