Q:3 W:1 New Semester Reflection

        One thing that I learned and still am learning is to not procrastinate with homework. I would always say " Oh I have study hall to do this!" but then I would somehow forget to do it before the class. Another thing is not getting enough sleep. I realize now that getting enough sleep is very important to my academic success. A third thing i learned is accepting my flaws and not being too hard myself. 
        My first goal for the spring semester is to go to tutorial more. I was afraid to go because there was always upperclassmen in there. My second goal is to be social and talk more in class. I don't normally talk in most of my classes for example math , becuase I don't feel that conformable with the people in my class. My third goal is to ask more questions in class. I always felt that if no one else was asking my question ,then it must not be a important one to ask. But this semester, i'm going to accomplish all three!


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