free post

     After seeing Evan M's blog, I realized that we all have a platform to speak our minds and express our feelings. We can also use it to talk about topics that mean something to us. I am using mine to talk about waffles and pancakes. Yes, I know that sounds silly, right? But this is a serious debate between the two breakfast items.
    First off, I have more experience with pancakes so I will try not to be biased. Pancakes are just flat cakes; it's in the name, PAN-CAKES. They are delicious. However, pancakes aren't very syrup effective, and they also can get quite soggy and cold quickly.
     Waffles, on the other hand, are way more syrup effective as they have little pockets specialized for the syrup. And that is necessary for enjoyment. But if you aren't careful, you could end up with a too crunchy, dry, or burnt waffle. But in the end, it isn't up to me to say which is better as they both have great qualities. I have presented my case, and now the reader must decide for themselves. 


  1. This was one of the funniest posts I've read! I could actually hear you having this debate with someone in during our english class.

  2. This is really funny, but such an interesting debate at the same time! Honestly, I just think powdered sugar is the way to go (on both of them).

  3. I truly enjoyed your post! I like waffles way better because it holds more syrup as you stated.

  4. Waffles are in fact the superior food because of the waffle syrup pockets that are present. I also do agree that a waffle can be messed up, but I have never eaten a bad waffle ever in my life.

  5. I like waffles better, but I see the case for pancakes. This was a really interesting post because it shows that we all can speak our minds about whatever we want.


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