
Showing posts from January, 2018

reading reponse to ATDPTI q3w3

When I first started this book, I was confused from the beginning to where I am now. I thought it was set in the 1990s but then he's fourteen so it's in the 2000s. Junior is the main character and Rowdy is his best friend.  I think Junior wanted Eugene to be his dad instead. He kind of idolized him as a mentor. Grody was also from a reservation. Gordy became Junior's friend. He did not replace Rowdy though. He also has a love interest named Penelope.

research post q3 w3

        My topic is about Mongolian Society under the reign of Genghis Khan in the 13th century.  My research question is: How did Genghis Khan make such a vast empire in such a short period of time and what was that empire like? My topic is interesting because Genghis Khan built one of the only nomadic empires to last. One reason I wanted to research this topic was that I felt like no one really knew anything about the Mongols. People know that they were nomadic and that it.      My subcategories are the Mongol army, what religion they practice, the food they ate, the Mongolian government, and their conquests in the 13th century. The empire matters because they helped start the Slik Road. They opened the entire empire for trade.

q3 w 2 comments

Seryn's blog- Q3 Week 2 Charlie's blog-The Fake News Awards

quarter 3 week 1 comments

Bronwyn's blog-Harry Potter !! Muskaan's blog-Free Post

free post

      After seeing Evan M's blog, I realized that we all have a platform to speak our minds and express our feelings. We can also use it to talk about topics that mean something to us. I am using mine to talk about waffles and pancakes. Yes, I know that sounds silly, right? But this is a serious debate between the two breakfast items.     First off, I have more experience with pancakes so I will try not to be biased. Pancakes are just flat cakes; it's in the name, PAN-CAKES. They are delicious. However, pancakes aren't very syrup effective, and they also can get quite soggy and cold quickly.      Waffles, on the other hand, are way more syrup effective as they have little pockets specialized for the syrup. And that is necessary for enjoyment. But if you aren't careful, you could end up with a too crunchy, dry, or burnt waffle. But in the end, it isn't up to me to say which is better as they both have great qu...

Research Update

      My topic is the Empire and Society of Genghis Khan. I picked the subject because it always fascinated me that he could make an empire so fast. His empire was based in China. I first learned of them from John Green talking about them in his crash courses. He calls them the expectation of most standards and rules. It is a little easier to find sources since Genghis' empire had nothing to do with the U.S. My research has been going ok, but it could go better.       My biggest struggle is finding primary sources because for some reason they are quite hard to come by for my topic. One thing I've learned through this is that maps are not that good of a source. I know its little far down the road, but I'm also having difficulty seeing I'm going for the presentation portion of the project. That's the part I'll have trouble with later on...

Q3: W1: student prompts

Muskaan: Who do you look up to in your life?  Why?          The person I look to the most is my grandmother. She is strong, wise ,and courageous. She gives me advice on anything I ask her. She is the most kind, caring ,and understanding person I've met. She is basically a second mother to me and has helped raise me my whole life.           I know that i will always need her. She is always there for me. I don't know what I'd do without her helping me everyday of my life. She knows how to be all these things because she has had five kids including my mom. She is now teaching me how to cook for when I have a family of my own.         

Q:3 W:1 New Semester Reflection

        One thing that I learned and still am learning is to not procrastinate with homework. I would always say " Oh I have study hall to do this!" but then I would somehow forget to do it before the class. Another thing is not getting enough sleep.  I realize now that getting enough sleep is very important to my academic success. A third thing i learned is accepting my flaws and not being too hard myself.          My first goal for the spring semester is to go to tutorial more. I was afraid to go because there was always upperclassmen in there. My second goal is to be social and talk more in class. I don't normally talk in most of my classes for example math , becuase I don't feel that conformable with the people in my class. My third goal is to ask more questions in class. I always felt that if no one else was asking my question ,then it must not be a important one to ask. But this semester, i'm going to accomplis...