writing prompt week 2

prompt: What was your traumatic experience?

      I was about six or seven years old, and this was my first time at the mall. I was with my mom and grandmother. We didn’t really go for me. It was more for my mom. So, we walked in and started shopping around. Then my mom goes to the escalator and starts going down. So, I then go but my grandmother got scared and tried to pull me up the rotating stairs. I start screaming because my foot is getting scraped against the stairs.

      By this time, my mom is close to the bottom of the escalator but she hears my screams and starts running back up the escalator. This incident was very traumatizing for me. It was only the going down part, I could up the escalator fine. Years later, I still was scared and hated escalators. I had to learn how to go down one of them. But I’m fine now, I can go down one with ease. 


  1. This was such an entertaining story to read. I totally get it, some of my fears when I was younger stemmed from silly, but traumatic things that happened to me.

  2. I could relate to your experience, I have always had a fear of elevators. Every time I would go on one, I would think it would break down, and I would be stuck in an elevator. Though, just as you stated I overcame my fear!


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