Duck and Goose week 5

Duck and Goose were walking down the street when Duck turns to Goose and says "Hey Goose, I have a few questions for you."
"Ok, I'm ready."said Goose
"What's up?" said Duck
" The sky and the ceiling." answered Goose
"No I meant how are you feeling" said Duck
"Oh great, actually!"Goose said excitedly
"Why?" Duck said inquisitively
"It's because I found ten dollars on the ground." uttered Goose 
"Really?" said Duck
"Yes!" exclaimed Goose
"What are you going to do with it?" said Duck
"I don't know, what should I do with it?"
"You should give it to me!" duck said gleefully
"Oh, you saucy boy!" said Goose


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