Dear younger self week 4

      My first year at my last school was the third grade so my advice will be geared towards that time. I also can't remember how old I was in the third-grade so just that general time. The first piece of advice I'd give my third-grade self is to be nice to others around you. You are gonna be stuck with these people for a long time(6+ years), so please enjoy the time you have with them. I know you don't really get why they act so weirdly to each other but you'll get it eventually. So just make friends and be friendly, it could really make a difference.
      Another piece of advice to not get caught up in all the "who's whose" at school and if you have a boyfriend or not. Dude, you are way too young for all of that right now so just chill out. Just enjoy your simple homework and the same schedule every day. Man, I so wish I could go back to the third-grade and ace all my tests!


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