storytelling week 2

 Over the summer, I did a lot of service work. I worked with United Way to go to organizations and help them for a few days. I was with United Way for all of June and all of July. I did most of my service with kids that were mentally or physically disabled and physical therapy for them.  It made me feel grateful and lucky to be physically and mentally healthy.  
     One experience I had this summer was at the Emerge Clinic when they had water days. The kids were ages 3-8 and most had autism or just a behavioral problem. They had little pools and this gigantic waterslide. They didn't know it would be that big so they had to make the kids go slow or they would get hurt. The kids could splash and get help with their eye contact and human interactions. It was an exciting summer, and I enjoyed it.


  1. That sounds so cool! I like doing service like that because you really get to go through what it's like for someone who's not as fortunate as you are. It's definitely a learning experience.

  2. Wow! That must have been great to work with such a amazing organization! You have such a big heart!


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