Reading response to Ask Me

     Ask Me by Kimberly Pauley is one of my favorite books. It was really about how the main character Aria struggles with how to talk and interact with her peers even when they shun her. It is hard for her because they think she is weird because of her gift. They do not know that she just can not help and they think she's being rude or eavesdropping on their conversations. She thinks her gift is a curse because of the way everyone treats her. She has kind of sunken into invisibility with the clothes she wears. All of her clothes are either hand-me-down from her grandmother or are from goodwill. I think she should try to stand out and be more social. Part of the reason why she feels so alone is because her parents kind of abandoned her when her gift started.
     My thought process for picking this book was when I see a book with a cool cover, I automatically am drawn to give it a chance. One thing that I noticed while reading was, that the author used popular song lyrics and titles as chapter titles. It really sets the mood for the chapter. What I found confusing was how she could have such a low opinion of herself and her gift just by other peoples opinions and thoughts. As I was reading, I realized that her grandparents are very supportive of her and do not try to squeeze answers out of her. As they know that is very disorienting and hectic for her. Her grandmother knows from experience and wants her to embrace her gift and not hide it like she does.  


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